About "The Ubuntu Program"

The Ubuntu Program, facilitated by Rosemary Leavey has been Inspired by The Ubuntu Story and the book The Intention Experiment ).

The Ubuntu Program is a fabulous 6 month online program that utilises the collective power of the group to support, super-charge, amplify and magnify each other s intentions.

The Ubuntu Program is:


So you can participate from your home computer, on your mobile phone, via email or even whilst travelling overseas.

TIME EFFICIENT: Takes up as little as 30 minutes a fortnight.

Your goals are achieved more quickly, your levels of wellbeing and happiness increases, your sense of meaningful connection and contribution increases.


You get to give back to the wellbeing of others, supporting their desires and dreams.

COST EFFECTIVE: Low monthly payment plans available.

The proven benefits of "The Ubuntu Program" is based on scientific research which are referenced in the book , The Intention Experiment by Lynne MacTaggart. These benfits include:

When more than two people are focused on a common goal that goal is achieved very quickly.

When we put our energy into supporting another person, we feel better for it and it increases our level of joy, connection and contentment.

When we supercharge another person s intention, we actually begin to manifest it in our own lives. EG, when people were focusing on a participants improved health, they noticed their own health improved as well.

Doing this regularly seems to place you in the flow of life, and people have reported that their general happiness increased and as well as the occurrence of synchronicity.

People have reported that being part of a program like this positively affected their relationships and overall they were connecting to all people, even strangers, more deeply and satisfyingly.

 The 6 month Ubuntu Program includes:

Introductory session (online)
2 online meetings a month for six months, where we set our intention for the coming fortnight.
Daily commitment to supercharging group s intentions. (5 mins/day)
Two optional Fun-shops are held throughout program, designed to set you up for the greatest success, & create a strong bond within the group.

Participants receive:

Ubuntu Journal to download
2 Newsletters per month with quotes, stories to inspire you along with scientific research that demonstrates the power of intention.
A closed group Facebook page to share your insights, breakthroughs and miracles with the rest of the members.
Email support if you have questions or require some clarity during the program.
Discounted Coaching, Support or Sacred Balancing sessions with Rosemary if you require extra support throughout the program.

Fun-shops (optional):

The workshops are designed to provide you with processes and experiences to deepen your overall experience of the program. They give you the opportunity to connect with each other in a beautiful setting, sharing our insights and miracles , whilst expanding our abilities to supercharge each other s intentions.

Exchange: $395 paid in full

Payment Plan: Deposit $150 plus $50 per month on the first of each month.

To enquire about dates and to secure your place in this amazing program contact Rosemary. .

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. In its simplicity it means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.


Participant Testimonial

Thank you Rosemary! You are such a visionary, loving being. This program has changed my life! Joanne, Aromatherapist, Tai Chi Instructor.


Exchange: $395 paid in full

Payment Plan: Deposit $150 plus $50 per month on the first of each month.

To enquire about dates and to secure your place in this amazing program contact Rosemary. .


We accept the following payment methods


Copyright 2023 Rosemary Leavey - Sacred Balancing